Friday, 19 February 2010

picnik was a picnic!

I really enjoyed this one as I got carried away with playing around with my image of the Radcliffe Camera in the snow. Red neon definitely suits it!! However, I was a little disappointed with the very small selection of free options that picnik offers, as the changes are more visually subtle, so I ended up using black and white or sepia for my photos. This is great if you have the time and are willing to pay for extra editing options, but it is not something that I would use again, although it has been interesting to try it out.

Flickr fun?

Well this week wasn't too bad, as the most difficult part was getting access to some photos that I could put up. I have to admit that I am not keen on photos and photosharing sites and it took months of nagging by my friends before I even put my wedding photos up on facebook (after much deleting and editing!) For this project, I prevailed upon our photographer in residence, and he very kindly let me upload a few of his lovely Oxford photos. Creating the account etc was fine, and I found the instructions on the 23 Things blog were excellent and easy to follow. I have since organised my photos into a set, changed the rights to one of them (although full credit should go to Simon anyway; I must look up my notes from the copyright course...) and have successfully geotagged them (although it did keep referring to them as being taken at Headington Hill, despite the fact it was clearly Radcliffe Square so I have settled for the default 'Oxford, England'). I am looking forward to being accepted to the Oxford 23 Things group so that I can have a look at the rest!

Friday, 5 February 2010

Bunnies reunited!

I was so pleased to see that Konnie Bunny has subscribed to feeds from my blog! I have been avidly following her progress since the project started and I was absolutely thrilled to have a mention on her blog, which is brilliant. I particularly love the photos and links that have been put up, and feel that in comparison, my blog must be quite dull. Maybe it is time for me to put up some bunny photos of my own...

RSS feeds and the reign of confusion!

Well, I have done my Things 5 and 6, and I have to say that I found this bit the most confusing so far, which was a shock as I was expecting it to be very simple. I started off quite well, as subscribing to the 23 Things blog was easy enough, and I was away. I then subscribed to the blogs of a couple of fellow '23 Thing-ers' and they had the orange button, so that was fine. Then I wanted to add some more sites, and the process became more complicated, as I was able to paste the url into the reader, but for some reason at first, the url wouldn't take and I wasn't subscribed. I have now managed to add 6 RSS feeds after playing around with different sites and finding various ways of subscribing, so I feel like I have learned something. I also got bored with one and found out how to unsubscribe as well, thanks to the very simple help page on Google reader! It has been a sobering week because even though I am a bit of a technophobe, I assumed that I would be mastering things like this very easily and quickly, and I have actually had to put some work and concentration into it. I think next week I will be a bit more humble!!